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The Paper Gardens

I've been reading since I was 3, and I haven't seen any reason to stop. I'll read pretty much anything I can get my hands on, though I will admit to a crippling addiction to fantasy and YA books.

Currently reading

Ozma Of Oz
L. Frank Baum
Progress: 45 %
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz
L. Frank Baum
The Divide
Elizabeth Kay
A Clash of Kings
George R.R. Martin

A Collection of Beatrix Potter Stories

A Collection of Beatrix Potter Stories - Beatrix Potter Half of the fun of Beatrix Potter stories are the gorgeous illustrations. Unfortunately, my Kindle is old and decrepit by today's standards, and refused to show any images. I'm assuming they're there, at least.

The stories themselves were great, though. Along with the more famous stories - like the tales of Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddleduck - the collection also contained a few that I hadn't managed to find physical copies of back when I actually had the books.

I was glad to find a decent selection of Beatrix Potter stories to add to my ever-growing collection of books to read to the baby.


Okay, so I had gotten this before I even knew I was going to have a baby.

But can you really blame me?
