This was actually a smarter collection of jokes than what I'm used to from the free junk available online.
That being said, it's not exactly brilliant, either.
A good portion of the jokes in the first part are creeper jokes, with the punchline being a word or phrase heavy with the trademark creeper "ssssssss" in them. If it wasn't a creeper joke, then it was probably a joke about turkeys and cobblestone. I've got no idea.
One of the jokes is seriously just:
Why did the enderman cross the road?
He didn't, he TELEPORTED!
There's also a Hitler joke in there. Dead serious.
I enjoyed a lot of the more meta jokes - there's one that starts as a contest between Notch and God, and one that references the
Slenderman. Which is kind of insane, now that I think about it. It's a joke referencing a reference. We're done here. The joke has come full circle.
There's a Minecraft image section in the middle, which is filled with Minecraft-themed pictures presumably gathered by doing a Google search for "funny Minecraft pictures". Several images are repeated, just in slightly different context. I swear those square melons kept popping up.
This one. This exact one.
I'd ask if anyone got permission to use any of the images, but I know better than to expect that.
The riddles try too hard to keep up a rhyme, but are otherwise decent.
That's the problem though, I guess. The best I can say about this book is, "It's not terrible."